Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Love You, Retard`

Raya break is coming to an end`
Which means is back to college`
with boring classes and lectures`

I miss you guys`
I want back my marchwheezers` x(

before sem2 starts`
catch a movie with my bitches n sayang`

Shaynerina & NicHole`
[Hah` I still rmb our gender bender names`]

Ze brother and sister`
look alike ehy?
blondie eating the blonde way` ftw?
and...guess what cheeho is up to?
look closely`what does it look like?
Still don get it?
Join Melissa the blondie club` HAHAH`

On the way back`
the rain might have stopped`
but not the lightning/thunder`
[i forgotten what my sayang corrected me]

and my sayang was trying to capture a picture it with my camera`
and..he did`

will reveal some of Co'toure 's photoshoots pics`

p/s: i still have a whole lots of things to post up` Crazy!`
p/p/s: not feeling good today` block nose + sore throat`
p/p/p/s: Henessy Artistry coming soon` Gah!!

little miss skinny bitch

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