Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hanging by a Moment`

As time goes by, problems popping out one after another while assignments piling its way up.
Life couldn't be any more fascinating, could it?
There may be some misunderstanding along the way.
If you're mature enough, it shouldn't be an issue` x)
Some people just don't seem to realise the reality world don't they?
Sometimes I wonder why people elder than me can't think as mature as me`
*chehwah but seriously..`
I'm only 18, I should be clubbing all night long`
Well let just say I grew faster than any normal 18 year old kid?` Nice`
How u guys doin`?
I know, my bad on neglecting my precious blog... again`
As I said,
Now lets update you guys with my college life`
nothing much though`
I'm still getting to adapt myself with ze new classmates`
I guess its the only place where i can't find drama aka peaceful atmosphere?
While lecturer yaciky yack their way off`
I have my sayang's iPod to kill my boredom`
I heart watching Happy Tree Friends during class`
[it keeps ma awake] x)
I realize my life is too happening that I have overflowing pics to post about`
If I wasn't that lazy`
You guys probably will be reading up my blog everyday` LOL`
Here are some snippet on le upcoming post`
Langkawi Trip`
kkk` coming alright`
I know I've mentioned it so many times but i'm still procrastinating on it`
My Raya visit @ Liyana's place`
posers I tell uuu..
not forgetting the night I got wasted`
As well as my 1 month anniversary with my sayang`
oops? =X
and best of all`
Hennessy Artistry Press Conference` x)
This shall be my brief update while I'm still "too hooked up" in my life`
p/s: My sayang leaves small notes in my room w/o telling me and let me finds it myself`
p/p/s: Someone is having diarhoea` =X

little miss skinny bitch

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