The reason I've been MIA for awhile is because shortly after my sem ended`
I was hitting on the beach savouring the heat of the sun at Krabi, Thailand` ftwwtf?
Like as if Malaysia's weather not hot enough`
But its a different feeling though` x)
I guess I'm tanned now`
When I realized I have the same skin tone with my Sayang` =X
Oops? Did I insulted you again? heh`
This is a late update on ze Christmas Play by classes of IAA74 & IAA73 aka students of IACT`
Before showing u ze pics of the performance`
Let me take u to BHS(behind the scenes)` wtf?

one of ze character name in my group`
ze other group's props`
My group has the lowest budget` Confirm!`
We didn't spend much except for the angel's wings`
We just bring stuff of our own` Smart kan?
Mel is so proud of her work till...
she keeps taking pics of it with my cam` -.-

Oh! Suthesh the Scottish boy`
Fucked up funny when he speaks with the Scottish accent as well`
meet my sister`
Heh! x)
Nope he's not gay`
Face the Fact`
Fail la you wannabes`

while they're messing around`
ze ladies getting themselves all dolled up`

ze gadgets of the blondes` LOL`
Pad the make up artist on duty`
apparently in my play Clarissa is my sis-in-law` LOL`
my "daddy" putting on his mustache ` ROFL!
even Andrew the candle need his hair to be styled up`
I call him Sathesh the Santa Macha` lol`
while they're busy rehearsal..
my "dad" playing with soft toy` -.-
other groups was being nervous as well`
After weeks and weeks of rehearsal `
finally the day had come`
and look and the crowd`
can spot MamaJo?
is Ms.Jo- our com.eng lecturer`
p/s: this play is our assignment` x(
I gave her the name "MamaJo"
Inessa's Darling♥/ Jared is our Emcee for ze night`
scottish boy became x'mas tree` ftwwtf?
and to mel's group`
Sorry no pics of my play as I was busy with my play`
PLUS I feel embarass to show u guys` xO
mean ass step sis?
Familiar scenes?
I laugh like shit when they come on stage`
Who's the beast? - Nic the gam-yu-lou` LOL`
dead cute`
fyi: it was a fairy tale related x'mas kinda play`
i kinda forgot why he fell` lol`
Later on.. AFTER PARTY @ Opiumm, Jaya1
oh! and congrats to Ishnee&Cheeho`
Like finally..-.-

pics from dom` x]

p/s: my fave pose` =X

Josh Kyle`

Caleb/Nic's friend`

dom charles and Doris/Dorry`

I was kinda exhausted pulling ppl to the dance floor`
Overall it was good`
I was like a mother making sure everyone gets home safe` -.-
I miss being drunk` =X

Next stop?
No no` Of coz the party have not ended`
we still have the AFTER-AFTER PARTY`
another 2 bottle of black and white label on the go!
I cant believe I fit 12 ppl in my apartment` -.-
ze sister`
Nic gone red`
damn i look retarded` -.-
there were some weird/funny moments`
I guess alcohol leads to this? Ugh!
my sis so cute` WTFFFF?
while we wait for our maggi goreng to arrive`
we stone` -.-
..and stone
Even the drunk ones woken up
...our maggi goreng still have not arrive` -.-
It was a crazy night`

Till everyone complete knock off only by 8am`

ze next morning/afternoon`
giggles pushed us for a swim-.-
I guess that's the only way to wake us all up` ==
p/s: suthesh skinny legs! weird...
I know its such a late post` LOL`
Better late than never`
This year's X'mas eve I spent with my Sayang and his Family`
OH` And first time to a midnight mass` x)

and u smell MayGanFox?
Fuck` I think is back to college soon` xC
p/s: MayGanFox = Ms.MayGan aka my lecturer` x]
He's still shopping in S'pore` o.O
little miss skinny bitch
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