Remember eversince the day the boyfriend left` I couldn't stop mentioning how I missed him whether it is in facebook or twitter` I just couldn't stop missing him dearly` and time seems to pass so slow and you'll just wish to get through with it ASAP` and finally when a month had passed I gave this positive thinking that I just left 2 more months till his return` Now Here's the bombshell` What I didn't know was that I actually got conned by Gary's mom on calling me out for dinner that Friday night` I actually had a few calls from the mom asking when will I reach and I thought what was the rush? Was she that eager to see me cause she din mention anything about the dinner. lol? But owh well, when I reached the house and it was pouring like cats and dogs. Rang the bell. Door opened. And there it is... the one and only person that I've been longing to see` Sorry but I really don't have a shock face` Cause I'm not that type that goes screaming in the circle and go "OMGOMGOMGOMG". I just go..."O.M.G" Geddit? lol. and yes He's back and when we hugged, he said..nope its not "I love you" but it is "no more clubbing for you" -.- I guess nothing's perfect in this world` lol` As long he's with me, everything will be worth it` x)
headed to BSC for dinner with Aunty June and her mother as well`
Ignore my retarded face` x.x
Fiesta? lol`
Japanese anyone?
tempanyaki was it?
I swear I was kinda blur ordering jap food`
I noob` can?
mine was good and filling`
But in the end I was stuffed with everything`
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