I'm Back back back...!
Busy busy busy`
That's all I can say`
This Estee Lauder assignment is killing me
fun at the same time`
Ze presentation was on Monday.
3 groups have to present again for the real deal.
And from then they'll decide the winner?
Guess what?
My group got chosen. xO
I feel like as if I'm in the reality TV show of The Apprentice`
Been spending a lot of time with the grumpy!
As usual...
Yes I know`
He should shave` ==
Been trying to convince him`
But he's ain't listening`
I look like a lion` o.o
Sayang wants me to have a haircut`
what style should I go for?
back to camwhoring`
iPod touch more important i guess...x|
we had banana leaf 4 times in a week`
Believe it or not`
I guess it is the cheapest buffet you could get in Malaysia`
Colors of food`
Fried Bitter gourd`
Someone got Afican-ize?
Been busy surveying and brainstorming`
ze event we're planning is somethins similar to this`
But we could do a whole lot better than this`
Even with my busy life`
I still find time to catch up with the old mates`
And I have to teman Becca to enter UTAR`
to get Brian and meet up with Chaming`
Not trying to imply anything`
What's up with the stare when I enter man?
Are shorts and tank top that eye-catching?
meet my lala-mui, Brian Soon`
Controlling girlfriend on the line` =X
My ever so retarded PekPek-Becca` lol?
Its been awhile`
Ice-Blended anyone?
hang on there`
More retarded classmates to be reveal?
p/s: last week was a real terror and torture` O.O
little miss skinny bitch
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