"When I met you
I really didn't like you
First impression was that you were somebody who
Walked right by when I waved at you and say 'Hi`"
I really didn't like you
First impression was that you were somebody who
Walked right by when I waved at you and say 'Hi`"
-Pixie Lott`
Owh gawsh!
I actually did not blog for a week? My bad...
I bet I had like extra extra white hair growing now`
Estee Lauder Model Search assignment got my head cracking on it`
Its fun though`
But I guess Sleepless-nights-routines are gonna hit me back`
Can you believe I have meetings till as late as 12am?
Good Lord`
Here a long update for you bitches`
Yes, I was there for Raffles' Graduation Night 2010 @ J.W.Marriott`
I take time to edit pics oso k` lol`
Ze Host
Since mel can't make it and I can't ffk my babe and auggy`
So i guess I'll just go in under mel` xO
We were effing early`
Had dinner at WongKok, Pavilion`
There's always something about the place`
We LITERALLY wore the same attire from college`
Auggy was more-manly that day`
probably because of someone`
and I looking like an aunty staring-cock at auggy`
what a pissed off face`
forcing a smile?
forget about it i guess`
We were late`wtf?
we got carried out shopping at Pavilion`
vy yin and "Orgy''
Jeslyn's booth`
as well as the winning booth that night`
Salt&Paper... creative indeed`
Their interior`
and merchandises?
and why was I attending it again?
Cause Vy Yin needs to show support to her friend Soon Thye and Manu`
Their booth`
A mixture of indian and western taste`
Another interesting booth`
But we're still on time to catch the Fashion show of ze Graduates of Fashion Design`
and becoz me n auggy was under media`
we get to have front seats` xP
and poor vy yin have to go 2nd row on the other side`
God Knows where I can't even spot her` =X
Theme Title and Designer name are all stated on ze pic*

p/s: I made a mistake`
I accidentally include Jin Tham's Design, which is the male model on the far right there belongs to the theme Perspex` x|

This collection was one of my favourite`
Love the red theme`
What caught my eyes in this collection wasn't just the nice shade of blue digital design..
its creative way of wearing the stockings on the outside of the heel`
The lady beside agreed with me`
Sat with some boutique director name Angie Kok? lol`
Imma Bri-ish` wtf?
very environmentally influence?
That's what I felt`
Probably its just the color`
So Melissa..
Auggy agreed with me`

For the love of wools?
I like the seductive style`
it was the 2nd runner up for Best Collection`
It felt like sheer cuts of material
combine and sewed on according to creativity and yet the right place`
Blue again?

but it takes it to the top`
Abit of Benard Chandran Style I must say`
Oriental, Authentic meets Contemporary`
I likey`

The Adam's Family theme song just popped out though`
Me n Auggy was inspired by the color` lol`
fyi: Its our favourite color`
My most favourable collection`

A rush of Gold Scent`
This is what I went googoo over`
I want those shoes!
and no doubt`
Jonathan Liang won the winner for the Best Collection`
and the last collection was my favourite too`
Edgy and rock&roll all rolled together`

Graduates walking down with their best Design`

On the way out`
Bumped into Jeslyn`
Congrats on winning the Best Booth`


Later on,
After Party @ Reggae Bar, Changkat`
Wanted to go Frangipani [which is just next door]
But it seems Auggy was afraid`
Owh well`
I guess He's not Gay then`lol`

Trio of the night`
The group`
How many shots we have again?

Oh dear`

and more pics of me and my babe` xO
I look scary`
and I actually De-virgin-ized Auggy on clubbing`
It was his first`
Effing Cute when he's high` hah`
Trying to keep ur eyes open?
Well, you're ain't tricking any of us`
was dancing whole night with Sharon`
Probably one of the best shot of me dancing?
Unlike those awkward pose I have in NYE`
Till then`
"Bad beginnings make happy endings
And now that I know you I begin to understands things
Turn around a hundred and eighty degrees
I found my missing piece...You`"
And now that I know you I begin to understands things
Turn around a hundred and eighty degrees
I found my missing piece...You`"
-Pixie Lott`
little miss skinny bitch
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