Friday, May 21, 2010

Wanna be On Top?

G'day bitches`
My bad for the 8716241278349 time`
Good to know my blogging mojo is back?

let see...

Where should I start?
There's been a whole lot of things that
I would lovelovelove to share with you guys`
From sleepless nights to winning the Estee Lauder Project`
and a whole lot of pictures from college`
[usually random stuff that you and I love I presume]

and now...
Exams are going real slow.
I have no idea who's idea was it to put
4 freaking exam in 2 weeks.
yes 2 papers each week`
Can't I just once and for all get through with it`
and carry on...
chillaxing with my babes at the beach or something`
or probably a photoshoot here and there`
Just can't wait for those moments`
I need confirmation from you peeps...ASAP!
Langkawi or Redang?

It does suck when your break is during school holidays`
I so do not want to get crammed up with
the kids/families with babies crying in the plane`
I swear I'll get massive migraine Dx
freaking throw that baby out of the plane`
Whiiiich is impossible so no worries` -.-

I finally got my baby lappy back`
Imma happy person again` x)

and wait.

no pictures?

Soon enough`

Stay Tune`
p/s: OHEMGEE! Krista won for America's Next Top Model`
Expected but I want Raina Hein to win` dammit`

Till then
will be back soon enough`
This I promise`
pinky promise` xD
little miss skinny bitch

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