Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rolling in the Deep`

Hey there,
your royal highness is back`

My life couldn't get anymore busier.
Assignments yada yada

I'm currently in NZ!
or you could say I had migrated here for a year.

Orientation suppose to be today but got postponed to the 13th.
SO I guess I still have some air to breathe as I just ended my college life on the 30th of June`

Yes, it was definitely a no-time-to-waste decision.

What can I do when dad says if I don't go this year there'll never be chance.

I guess it's better off jumping straight to degree while I still have my study-mode-mojo on.

and again, there's no time to waste.
Currently trying to adapt to the weather here.
It's winter baybeh!
Can't wait to wear my boots and colorful stockings!
Remember them?

It's been awhile since I bummed around. Cx

p/s: the wayfarer rayban sunnies below; I got it for NZ$10 (;

Owh! Class picture at last!

I'll talk more about NZ on the upcoming posts`
Stay Tuned!

For Now,
Let me finish off where I left off` x|
Welcome Back to Bangkok, Thailand! (thai slang) lol.
It was my last day.
Did whatever last min shopping I could`
I could never run out of things to buy in Bangkok.
like HELLO!
Yesh, Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel is super duper nice!
the Lounge is super chillaxing` (;

Did I mention the surprise greeting card for us?
1st I thought what voucher they have attached in it for us.
But no,
this is better than vouchers or whatever.

It was from Richard Greaves, GM of Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel,
personally wrote us a welcome message.

Aww, How thoughtful. (;
ohoh! If you're a Jim Thompson fan.
Save ya money and go to the factory outlet and buy it.
I bet only a few knows it`
But if you wanted the new arrival then sorry lah` x)
might as well from the boutique itself`
I just love the McD.
So much higher standard then ours.
After shopping all I could,
it was time to get ready for the NYE dinner.
(yes this post has been lagging since last year. hah) =X

The NYE dinner will be held around the pool area btw.
This is them setting the place up`
Wait for it!

Dress up dy of coz camwhore right?
Gary and his brother
(younger brother, yes he's bigger then the elder one)
and FYI
I'm not the vainpot in the relationship.
Yes I found someone more vain then me.
like EVER!
Last shot of SS!
oh the entrance terlalu canggih.
Have to take a picture with it.
Tim's turn`
and My turn la of cause` (;
Ice so big, who wouldn't want to take picture with?
Here's where we dine!
with the 2011 floating on the pool!
and tables full of HATS! so fun!

p/s: I stole one of those shimmering disco ball`
couldn't resist! You can find it on my Christmas tree` lol!
Aku in Shiok Sendiri! xD
I wanted another head gear that I've been eyeing for so long.
this one!
Chio boh?
It was a buffet course btw.
Usual high class buffet.
Ate so full we needed to walk around`
and guess what we found in the lobby?

"lady Gaga"

"bear/paddlepop lion"? lol!
and a "thai heath ledger"
I'm so mean.
wait, it's suppose to be winding doll?
ah screw it!
went out the street and bought balloons!

No it's not just a sign!
Really! the Helipad!
We countdown our very last seconds of 2010 at the helipad`
With that Height`
Ii could look over the street of Amarin and other malls`
Hence the Fireworks at our eye-level` (;
I swear that night I was overdozed with champagne` Dx
Popping everything they could find in the goodie bags`
My Smelly Monkey! x]
and here comes the fireworks!
Baby! You're a Firework! C'mon let me show what you're worth?
After experiencing such magnificent view,
for ze boyf's parents the night is still young.
Me and the boyf felt old.
We were exhausted and wanted to go back to our room`
and they continue partying to the next morning.
Wonder how did that happen` lol!
Overall it was a good day and a good night` (;

What should I blog next?
More holiday post?
or would you like to hear more of my events side?
Will be back real soon!
little miss skinny bitch

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