G'day Earthlings`
It's been a great weekend with the boyfriend`
We gone through bumpy rides`
And today we celebrate our 8th month together`
Happy Anniversary Dear Grumpy of mine`
[who finally shaved off his bushy mustache and beard which never seems to be connecting]
Had an awesome pawesomely expensive dinner`
We're even now alright sayang?
Owh well!
My long hair is now either silk straight naturally
glamorously curled by me`
I need a new hair-do/haircut`
Any Suggestions?
Believe or not`
Saturday was my movie marathon with ze retard sayang`
Kick Ass was a kick-ass movie`
worth watching`

The Losers...
was a more action pack movie`
this u MUST WATCH!

College's been even more hectic`
But this week's kinda chilling abit`
Just preparing for ze visit to the
Little Sister of the Poor this Friday[30/4]`
Anyone is free to join my group members`
Just gimme a buzz`
Sometimes I pity my sister`
He always got "bully" by his 2 great friends`
way to go wei keong and chun kit`
They even bought the same lanyard to piss him off`
without them`
what can be more interesting but
to see them arguing(jokingly of coz )
and Satesh was either absent or sleeping in class`
that's the way la dei`
someone lost their converse` =X
Someone got face problem and got bashed up I guess`
Nah` He got hit during his basketball match`
Why are they so Hyped on?
I was wondering too`
They were checking out girls in the mag` -.-
and they have to take my cam to take this pic` wtf?
Auggy the poser`
and SatheshShern was sleeping again`
Wake up la Dei`
Class dismissed dy la macha`
I have a VAIN sister`
a very VAIN sister` -.-
chookee looks so cute lol`
and don't they look like brothers?
Later on,
we had this like long 3 hours of break`
Had lunch at Paramount and headed to Auggy's place later on.
its mustard BTW`
I know what you're thinking`
At the Orgy's place`
He got the same obsession with me`
Collecting beautiful diaries and not using them`
Cause they're too precious and pretty to be used`
I know` Crazy kan?
Well... Its just an obsession`
everyone chilling`
some have pillow talk`
while the sister busy on the net`
or we could follow Satesh`
isn't this the 3rd pic of him sleeping?
back to classsszzzzz`
Someone looks bottom` xO
Very bad auggy`
two-timing infront of your hubby hansen` lol?
Why are we pushed on writing essays in class again?
and that really stresses us up a lil?
And I shall end this post with
more scandalous picture
of the two famous "gay couple" in college now` wtf?
I feel like Gossip Girl` HAH!
hiding his face from the paparazzi ehy?
Aint working babe`

back to assignments?
Till then Bitches`
p/s: PJLA laugh week is here?
thanks for the GG episodes` Cx
little miss skinny bitch
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