I'm back for the 134543900985 times
I WAS busy alright`
and nope it is ain't an excuse`
Upcoming pictures will prove it`
I think the college's trying to kill me or something`
2 presentations in a day?
Well not that bad until your group didn't start on anything`
Sleepless nights just seems like a norm culture to me in my life`
Well it is either i keep it up and do good and end up dying early`
Or... fuck it all and go to bed early` hmm.
Went for Harith Iskandar and Douglas Lim's stand up comedy yesterday night
@ PJLA, Jaya1
along with guest comedian cum singer Rifa`
It is PJLA Laugh Fest this month`
Check it out to watch other hilarious comedy act
Last weekend was interesting for me`
I visited the old folks...
as well as the spastics.
Very interesting and eye opening weekend indeed`
Not much of a bitch in me eh?
Of coz not`
I'm like the nicest person in the world`
You know like tow-ta-ly? wtf?
diva-moment i sense`
having to be busy in college kinda cut off some time from events lately ehy?

another reason why I've not been blogging is because....
Malaysian studies exam`
The only exam that we have to sit for
waaaaay earlier than the other papers.
and Vy yin who's re-sitting for the paper
crashed at my place the night before`
After the exam,
guess who gave this flower to...
not to me la of coz`
My retarded sayang don't give me flowers anyway`
Not because he don't love me that much`
But I seriously don't find it reasonable`
Weird ehy?
It's gonna die anyway`
It is for my babe vy yin`
look at my oh-so-finally-stress-free face` lol?
headed all the way to kampar` -.-
Coz my babe was too nice of a person to fetch people around`
got back home just in time for Chic Pop event @ PJ Trade Centre`
catered by delicious` Mmm`
the place was truly relaxing`
ignore my messy look` -.-
shall focus on my gorgeous babe`
and this reminds me tht she;s having my earrings there` ==
the blondie`
and yes my Rexona goodie bag is still with you` =X
This year's Chic Pop was.... alright`
more clothes and accessories to play dress up this year`
camwhore/SS pics coming through`!
I still love my biggie flower ring that my mom always complaint about it` -.-
and i didn't realize i was tht close` -.-
and the fun part was making your own facial supplies`
I made for foot scrubs`
Cause that was the easiest`
and by the time I was done`
Hadda head to church with Grumpy Sayang`
It was Doris' and Shayne's sisters Confirmation mass`
Good tht I attended`
8th month anni?
coming up next`
little miss skinny bitch
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