G'day bitches`
This post came in a little late`
As my line was being a bitch which leave no choice but to restart my baby lappy`
Class today was alright`
It's a new sem
with new hair cuts
new clothes
new phone[ahemahem]
new lecturers
[that i finally am excited to meet them all x) ]
[that i finally am excited to meet them all x) ]
Let just have our finger crossed that its not any pathetic lecturers`
Which I presume none of them are`
So I guess I'm happy with that`
And sure am I glad that MayGanFox is back` xP
Here's an update during my break`
Surprisingly this time's Chic Pop Street Market
@ Sunway Giza, Kota D'sara`
[I know I thought it was at Sunway too]

While waiting for the rest`
I did what I did "best"?
It is still an obsession`

When I walk in the very first thing i realize was the big-ass fan`
It doe s work. seriously.
Though it is kinda scary picturing it falling down`
remember to check this website out`
I"m sure you'll love it` ;)
and I could not believe how big the street market is this time`
the fellow shoppers`
auggy photography suck la wei` xP
that's much better` x)
Elmo beanie`
Elmo have gave me a real impact in my life`
[inside joke]
They even request us to ask for discount?
All so pretty`
I sure hope so`
Had tea at this place call Cravings`
very bad customer service I must say`
and this is the wrong drink they serve us`
How could you mistaken between vanilla and cappuccino?
I wonder...
More random pics`
Free Flowers`x)
looks like James Bond effect`
Doris - full of cuteness` wtf?
Forever posing`
and yes it is from this hole` lol`
we ordered SA-LAD`
trying to dig every single drop of it`
these fries is not helping me out here
as I'm having sore throat now`
and chocolate ice blended? Mmm`
Bumped into Pam`
and I'm even surprised that I actually bumped into my cousin Juliah`
Totally forgot she was involve in the Fashion Industry`
Do visit her blogshop @ QuirkyBrownCow [click]
Dinner @ WongKok`
Yes we were there the whole day`
was exhausted and still planning on ze Redang Trip`
Last but not least`
This is how yours truly looks now`
p/s: We're not the noisy ones. They are`
[now that sounded abit childish didn't it?]
little miss skinny bitch
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