This suck`
I'm sick right after my sem starts`
What a great start`
remember the plans I had on the board that I posted in ze last 2 posts?
It was us
the V.S.O.P
[Very Special Old People]
held an event on helping out at
the Little Sisters of the Poor, Cheras`

We been through a whole lot of tough shits`

One thing for sure is that...
We had fun` =)

It's truly an amazing experience`
In a way that I have not reach out this far to understand the old folks.
Bad enough I have a grumble rumble grandma at home that
I never understand why is she like that.
Usually I choose not to bother`
She's old`
Let her say or do what she wants`
And I came to realize`
They just want someone to listen to them`
I did. But I guess my grandma is a special case`
Move along`
The facilities there is not your usual old folks home`

The place is H.U.G.E!
and I mean it`

Not so poor after all eh little sisters? wtf?
Us listening to history/grandma stories of LSP`
We were kinda disorganized to be honest` =X
As long we put a smile on their face` x)
Sing-a-long session`
Blondie semangatnya`
Later on,
Now this is the difficult part`
Feeding them. -.-
They are generally just like kids`
we have to force them to finish up their food and take their medication`
Mine was the toughest [to me]`
This aunty kept spitting the food back at me` xC
Some are even lazy to open their eyes`
Not forgetting`
Sayang with his famous magic show`
They were amazed`

Towards the end`
Some of us still accompanying some of the old folks`
While the others ready the gifts` x)

alot of hard work alright`
This is completely random`
But imagine the blondie with frizzy red hair now`
Unbelievable? lol`
Guess whose b'day is tomorrow?
Oh wait`
its just in few hours time`
[omg it sounded like dawn yang]
Sister Agnes gave us a tour before we left`
at the workshop`
this aunty really got a whole lot of patience doing that`
Last but not least`
A group picture`
There's a whole lot of pics not posted here of coz`
But you can browse it in Facebook` x)
Not forgetting the video on this event`mustwatch!
After leaving the place`
we were starving`
so we ended up at Wong Kok, Pavilion`

Never knew they have such nice view`
it couldn't look anymore delicious when you're hungry`
Now I'm craving for pasta` -.-
So weird that Mel actually look more manly than Auggy` huh`
epic fail couple pic` lol`
Till then`
p/s: ze retard is dressing up in mickey mouse costume? wtf?
little miss skinny bitch
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