Friday, February 26, 2010

Some of you may wonder why I said I'll be Sayang-less soon`
[which is for the next 3 months anyway]

FYI: Ze Boyfriend will be away to Africa for missionary work` How kind of a spoil brat like him kan?

Things will be hard for me to adapt without my sayang retarded-ness around me`
But just so you know I'll be fine`
In fact, I guess I am doing well.
I may miss him`
But isn't that what I always feel everyday when he's not beside me?
And yes I promise I'll update my blog EVERY SINGLE DAY`
You readers should thank him` Dangit`
especially my over-dragged-langkawi post` x)
You were Best Friend`
Always stay with me through thick and thin`
And cheers me up in split seconds`
Just by listening to your voice`
even if you suck at clubbing`
[I guess you shall stick with the 70s disco dance then]
p/s: will update you guys on that` x)
I still Love You!
I appreciate every moment I had with you`
Regardless where we are and who we're with`
p/s: His bro, Tim is studying Hotel management`
So we kill two birds with one stone`
Which is to go for the bro's food testing at KDU.
Hence, its our 6th month anni dinner? Lol`
Main Course was alright`
Desserts and starters were awful` x\
With a blink of an eye`
Its time for you to leave to reach your goals`
Just don't bully the Africans there` -.-
Indeed I'll miss you dearly`
Yes` I'll go to church and buy your heralds`
Cheeky little one` -.-
You better Skype me everyday` x|
I'll be missing your hugs and kisses` ♥
and... your retarded face that cheers you up`
and hopefully you knock out those layers of chin you have there` =X
p/s: I'll be waiting for your return` C=
p/p/s: I guess its time to clear all my over dragged posts and pics` x]
little miss skinny bitch

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