Thursday, November 10, 2011

Have you tried your lollipop yet? Wait! What?

Have you tried your lollipop yet?
(wait that sounded wrong)

Let's try this again.

Have you taken your lollipop?
(now it sounds weird)

Well, if you have not`
You sure gotta try it out 

Like... NOW!

That is because I'm gonna drop a big bom of spoilers here` hahah


Get your ass to this instance!

now if you're still being scared about it`
I guess you could take a sneak peak of it` cowards

For those who have tried it`
What say u?
Whattaya think?
Some people say it was creepy`
Some chuckle their way off`
Like Me.
I don't know why was I laughing/giggling`
I just tend to do that whenever I watches horror movie too`
Don't know why. Don't ask`

Well let me show you my...experience?

Typical creepy dark alley opening`

Now this would freak me out if they got the fonts right`

and I must say`
Kudos to the actor`
This guys does give you the creep`

How advance technology is today`
and how strong social media is`
The fact that they could tap into your info`

and how easy it is they could track you down just by a small detail you reveal on FB`

The death stare!
"Watch out! I'm gonna getchu!"
hahahah` =X

This is an interactive social media btw`
It has already hit more than 9millions like on FB!
If you have not liked it you are not in the game yo! wtf.

Been rambling too much!
Alright` Just give it a try`
Till then homies!
little miss skinny bitch

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